Vriddhi . Accelerating Impact

Vriddhi offers services that accelerate the process of change for marginalized communities, particularly women farmers in tribal pockets of Central India. We believe that process of change can be accelerated by the community and those working with them. This happens when we create opportunities for re-examining assumptions, for learning from and with each other, for inspiring and amplifying positive experiences. It needs to be supported by services that reduce risk and make adoption of new approaches hassle free. It needs the place of women in agriculture to change from labor to that of leadership. Our services are designed to unleash this potential – to accelerate impact.

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Our services serve smallholder farmers, particularly women, through information that helps them reduce their yield gap. Vriddhi extends this service to non profits and agriculture entrepreneurs, helping them leverage ICT for enhancing their reach.

Our Services

Our services help blend business and development goals to accelerate impact. 

Stories of Accelerating Impact

We learn from the small steps we take. It keeps us rooted on this journey of purpose driven work! The links below about experiences and outcomes , insights from our work and give an idea about the process we follow in working to our purpose.

Digital technology supports value chain interventions

We worked with SRIJAN to set up a groundnut extension and market information service that communicates the value of participation to farmers and supports the women groups in achieving their goal of 100 MT reaching 1,000 farmers in 2021-22. In previous years, the program had procured 50 MT.  We first developed content listening carefully to …

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Smallholder farmers pay for extension

Linkage with market is an essential one for vegetable farmers. For tribal farmers living away from highways and roads, a hassle-free fair marketing arrangement is one critical ingredient to their expanding their production effort. We worked on one instance of use of technology in partnership with Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives to support farmers in Harichandanpur for market linkages.

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Vriddhi Showcase

We celebrate our successes – recognition of our work, new opportunities, partnerships, and our contributions to accelerating impact

Vriddhi works in partnership with organizations in specific purpose driven initiatives to accelerate impact.